Inside the mind of Queen Koddi

What to expect after scheduling a dungeon visit with Queen Koddi

A short FAQ page for those who have protocol & process questions

Q: Once you have been screened & your appointment has been confirmed- what happens next?

A: First we will set up a short 15/20 minute video chat session before your appointment, I’ll ask you questions about your experience level, things you did & didn’t enjoy about past sessions, discussing my safe word system, a rough idea of the activities that will be included in session, and after care protocol. Please use this time to ask any questions you may have or inform me of info you may have left off your booking form.

Q: What do I do with your screening info after your appointment

A: All personal information, including booking form & ID are deleted, I do not store any personal information – I have absolutely 0 motivation to “blackmail” anyone, it is a federal crime & I value my freedom & professional reputation.

Q: Day of appointment – what you need to do?

A: Follow any dietary or prep instructions that have been given, location information will be provided 3 hours before appointment time. You will arrive on time, not early & not late, I allow a 10 minute grace period & after that you are cutting into your own appointment time. When you arrive you will be directed to the play space where you will hand over your tribute, we will go over your limits & my safe word system again & then the session will begin. Using your safeword can pause or end the appointment based upon your discretion. You will be expected to help with clean up at the end of your appointment, this also gives you time to relax, chat & decompress before driving home.

Q: AfterCare Protocol

A: I tailor aftercare to the session experience, for lighter play you will likely be sent off with a nice chat,water & a sweet snack, for heavier play affirmations, reassurance, chatting & a snack of course, I’m also open to suggestions if a sub needs something specific for aftercare.

Q: Is everything about pain play ?

A: No, I also offer lighter activities like balloon popping, cake smashing, feeding, foot worship & service activities. I love exploring fun fetishes,  if I think I’ll have a good time then I’ll likely agree to it, I once had a client who wanted nothing more than to have a whipped cream pie smashed in his face – it was great, I’ve also had great fun tickling subs until they almost pee their pants!